It is a common, disgusting and unhygienic scene to observe people spitting on the road or spewing out a stream of reddish saliva from pan chewing or a stream of watery ejection from vomiting while on move. Of course, vomiting from the window of moving bus or train or car is understandable to some extent as it is a result of nausea due to motion sickness or gastric disturbance but then, one may keep a carry bag along, and care a bit to peep either side of the window for a while so that the passers by can protect and prevent themselves from getting drenched !The same thing is applicable in the case of those who can not so easily get rid of other practices. Similarly smoking in public places is another such undesirable habit.A study says that passive smoking( breathing in the smoking of other people ) is no less harmful.If one has never smoked but lived with people who smoke, there are chances of getting affected from a range of tobacco related diseases such ...