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WFH(Work From Home) signals a new socioeconomic order?

Marchetti’s constant (Cesare Marchetti is an Italian physicist) speaks of the average commuting time a worker spends.It is said to be an hour a day and quite surprisingly this has been found valid right since Neolithic times.(thousands of years ago)). Taking this in to account and assuming a 38 hour working work , it is said that there would be a substantial increase in productivity due to the elimination of this commuting time. There are some more advantages like :(1)The decreased pollution levels due to an enormous reduction in commuting and (2) the resultant savings in crude import bill for the nations ( more so for energy hungry countries like India ) and (3)the reduced costs of health burden for the nation in the event of this culture continuing for long.

Well, it is true that by cutting down the commuting time, the productivity shoots up as perceived, probably fuelled by an undisturbed concentration, reduced stress levels in commuting (more so in buzzing metros),longer connecting time ! But the requests to get connected at odd hours too is what pains a little.The problem is more pronounced in the case of female employees who are at times asked to connect in the wee hours of the morning when they got to take care of the household chores.

Also, whatever said, the off-line work too has its advantages  such as social interaction,engaging in a dialogue with colleagues over a cup of coffee,discussion on professional matters,apart from the relief from being continuously glued to the work at home.However, for those who do not have the option for this online work, the changes create two drawbacks 1: the stress in commuting under threat of infection (till the pandemic disappears) and 2. Working in hollowed environs (created by a highly reduced staff occupancy ) and the associated psychological disturbance !


.All in all, the newly evolved WFH culture is going to shape a new socioeconomic order with a number of advantages for the majority of stake holders.However,it is equally important to address the negative impact if any on those who are not the beneficiaries in the new process !
