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Newer hopes for a breakthrough ?

We know that the Sun is a rich source of energy the mankind is blessed with !
One component of this energy is the ultra violet radiation called UV light. This is made up of three components; UVA, UVB and UVC. More than 95% of UV radiation that reaches earth is UVA, while the other two are absorbed in the ozone layer. The  UVC of shorter wavelength (200-280nm) and hence of higher energy has been known for years to have a great role as a disinfectant.

UVC is said to have been  successful in inactivating H1N1 influenza and other coronaviruses such as (SARS-CoV) and (MERS-CoV).A study published is said to claim that UVC can also inactivate SARS-CoV-2. At a wavelength of 254 nm UVC is believed to cause lesions in DNA and RNA and an enough exposure damages them such that they can not replicate.This effectively inactivates or kills a microorganism or virus.

Thrust on research must be on with an optimism till an effective breakthrough is seen in diagnostics and therapeutics for Covid-19. I have an idea to be tested which is, irradiating the virus  by gamma rays.The process may be tested with infection induced in in-vitro studies by different doses and durations.Studies on UV radiation are found effective at least to some extent in inducing the lethality of the virus.Since gamma rays also belong to the same family but of much much higher energy, and have proven efficacy in  blasting malignant tumour cells as has been the practice in radiation oncology, there seems no harm in making an attempt ! There is nothing wrong in exploring every possible agent and from every known stream of medicine as long as it is safe, to bring the global chaos to a grinding halt !

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