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#GBS (Give Back to Society ) - II

In response to #GBS, part I, the concern expressed by many was the lack of confidence in the aid  sent to an organisation being  utilised for the purpose.A genuine concern indeed ! It is here the concept of ‘donations in kind’ comes handy where you donate some thing in kind, say a PPE kit or a bundle of sanitisers and hand them over to those in need.In other words, you hunt for the hungry ,net the needy, be after the affected to extend help..Alternatively, some close minded people can form a group and take the responsibility of streamlining the entire process and arranging the help through any one of them.

I was impressed by the way when I read about the approach by the Agnelli family, an Italian business dynasty, using its companies to become directly involved in purchasing medical equipment, distributing food and medicine, and supporting distance teaching schemes in schools etc and the action of large scale distribution of hand sanitiser by the LVMH group in France.

We can contact a nearby village official we feel like and look for the requirements like meals or medicines by talking to the people We may purchase those we can and hand them over to the needy. It is an immense joy looking at their contentment for the little help we do. Besides, it is a sense of satisfaction that we discharged our duty towards the society from which each of us draws benefit in one way or the other.It empowers us with the right to ask or question, as rights and duties go in tandem.

You can see my next post on Sunday at 8 am !

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