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Why should there be worry about World War III ( Part-III )

 In continuation of parts I & II:

With the technological development of ICBMs (Intercontinental Ballistic Missiles) the catastrophic consequences can be spread over continents and wipe away entire countries ! These are designed for delivering nuclear weapons.They have a minimum range of about 5000 km.Some ICBMs have a range of more than 12000 km.A single such missile can carry more than one nuclear warhead and each one can strike a different target.

Focus on protection :

In the event of an explosion, steps for protection and survival are:

to get behind a barrier * to get into the inner part of a building ( thick concrete offers good protection )- underground if possible* to stay near the centre  of the building in a room with thick walls *to stay inside for 24 hours depending upon the  instructions of the authorities such as when to evacuate, how far and how long to stay etc.

***Three things in one’s hand that can offer protection from radiation are :

1.Distance 2.Time 3.Material ( such as concrete, lead, steel etc)

1)Larger is the distance from the source of radiation, smaller is the intensity received !

Ex:By doubling the distance from the source of radiation, the intensity falls to one fourth of the initial value and by trebling the distance, it falls to one ninth and so on !

[Intensity of radiation varies inversely as the square of distance]

2)Shorter is the time spent near the source, smaller is the radiation received

3)Higher is the thickness of material, smaller is the radiation received as every material absorbs radiation to some extent.


Conclusion: Only a heightened awareness and participation en masse among the global citizens to avert a catastrophic nuclear conflict can only save the planet and help sustenance of life.For this every one has a role to play ! It is shocking to note the way in which nations have been in a frenzied and frantic race to pile up the nuclear arsenals, some of them awfully disproportionate to their size and scale of economy too and are making frequent threats of their use forgetting that no nation can afford to go for a war at a critical juncture like this, more so one with nuclear weapons.Enough to say that going for war with nuclear weapons would be inviting destruction en masse to its doorstep because if one nation triggers the button the other may not remain a mute spectator !



  1. Nuclear weapons and capabilities developed by India are only for the purpose of a deterrent as is evident with the no first use policy declared by our country. Every other nation should adopt such policy and follow suit for avoiding any holocaust as apprehended by you.
    Prabhakar Govindaraju


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