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Do machines too experience mood swings?

For a long time I used to work with an assembled table top system.There were occasions when the system used to go defunct abruptly ! One or two instances I would like to present to substantiate my conclusion.

Once the display was off all of a sudden ! I called the local servicing man who carried a hand bag with tools such as a brush, a few PCBs, power supply units, a volume of CDs to do the anti virus scanning.The man came all the way ,sat before the table, turned off the system and drew the CPU from its slot out.He unwound the screws and opened it.He then took the brush and gently brushed every nook and corner and then wielded the cloth. Keeping the box opened, he again turned on the system.There it is ! The screen illuminated by the bright bluish tinge of light for a while started behaving well. There was my system right in front of me in full working condition with normal vigour.


Just after two years of warranty period, all of a sudden there were vertical coloured bands with no other display on a branded TV set. The company mechanic checked the set and advised to go for the replacement of display board and the price quoted was half that of the new TV set.I let it lie idle as I felt it better to go for a new one with .After months of indecision, suddenly one fine day I checked all the connections each one unplugging and replugging into the slot with a sheer optimism and turned on the set. Incredible ! The set started functioning as usual much to my surprise. Lo ! It has been working having enjoyed a long vacation !


The lesson learnt is that the electronic systems go haywire at times with dust and lose contacts and need frequent cleaning ! Perhaps they too need rest and occasionally experience bouts of mood swings !

