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I Salute My Teachers

Teaching is one of the noblest professions ! A teacher shapes our personalities, thought processes, outlook towards the environs around us and leaves an indelible impression on our minds becoming an unforgettable guide ! The way they make us learn, try to inculcate interest in the subject, behave in the class, the rapport they establish with us are all an integral part of our lives ! A teacher should invariably make the students feel at ease with themselves.For that, he or she may have to be humorous and humble, gentle and galvanising, patient and perseverant too ! Too much of discipline or too little is equally dangerous, distracting destructing too.It may even kill the appetite for learning and once that is lost, any amount of scholarliness of the teacher may go in vain.

A teacher should allow the student to ask doubts and try to clarify them to the extent of need.In case it is not possible to satisfy the student with an appropriate answer, he should do some ground work later and come back with a valid explanation.This speaks of the honesty and commitment to the profession and encourages the student in an effective interaction and helps him emulating the practice of answering a question rather than evading or spitting fire at a later stage in his life and career.In fact, questioning helps promoting efficacy by evolving ways to rectify the lapses.The great facet of  human brain is that when you want to explain some thing clearly to some one, your brain resorts to evolving newer ways to do it more effectively and suddenly a new idea strikes your mind in the form of an example or illustration that explains the concept perfectly.In fact, my teachers defined what teaching means !

✍️ Feel free to express yourself
