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Mending the Mannerisms for the Public Good

It is a common, disgusting and unhygienic scene to observe people spitting on the road or spewing out a stream of reddish saliva from pan chewing or a stream of watery ejection from vomiting while on move. Of course, vomiting from the window of moving bus or train or car is understandable to some extent as it is a result of nausea due to motion sickness or gastric disturbance but then, one may keep a carry bag along, and care a bit to peep either side of the window for a while so that the passers by can protect and prevent themselves from getting drenched !The same thing is applicable in the case of those who can not so easily get rid of  other practices.

Similarly smoking in public places is another such undesirable habit.A study says that passive smoking( breathing in the smoking of other people ) is no less harmful.If one has never smoked but lived with people who smoke, there are chances of  getting affected from a range of tobacco related diseases such  as certain types of cancers,long and short term respiratory symptoms,loss of lung function,etc.

.Some important hygienic practices include covering the mouth while coughing or yawning,covering the nose while sneezing and to avoid spitting.Such practices not only improve the etiquette, but also help controlling the spread of respiratory transmitted infections such as TB, influenza, common cold,and other pneumonia causing viruses. All these assume greater significance with the pandemic ruling the roost and with aerosol transmission considered a feasibility.


One way to address this malaise is to use banners or hoardings etc at public places with motivating messages that provide the needed impetus for the voluntary compliance of the healthy habits especially in public places.This has an enormous potential to achieve reasonable  success provided an appropriate choice of captions is made.A simple,sample message may be of the type :
“You have a right to spoil your health but not that of others” ! These, should be supplemented by small amounts of fine too.The purpose of fine is to prevent but not to prosper.


Wishing all the readers a great day ahead, I conclude the blog with a small quote:
 “A Drop of Ink May make a Million Think” -Lord Byron



  1. Our people in this country have to come a long way as far as the above matters are concerned. It's the insensitivity and ignorance in equal proportions for this disgusting and ugly conduct both with the literates and illeterates. I find some difference in this regard with people belonging to certain classes and sections of the society. But it's time to strictly impose upon people to conduct themselves in a manner which is confirming to what is standard etiquette and hygienic practices.
    Prabhakar Govindaraju

  2. I fully agree with you sir. The same people who indulge in this kind of unacceptable practices change their behaviour when they visit countries/places in which these practices are prohibited. When people see places which are maintained very neat and clean, they may hesitate to spit or throw garbage in those places where as they may not hesitate to do it in a dirty place. Therefore, the first step in the process may be to create awareness as well as to take measures to maintain the places neat and clean. To do that, initially extra cleaning personnel may be employed to clean the places as and when required. Also fines are to be imposed for defaulters. Another option may be to make the defaulters make things good by suitable means wherever practicable. This kind of strict measures may be needed in the beginning until a system is established and people are used to good practices. Thereafter, things may be relaxed when people become conscious. Proper attitude has to develop in people with changing situations. We have different cultures, different practices etc. in a vast country like India. People have to change with the changing situations, scenarios, and needs which unfortunately is happening very slow. But Governments and authorities as well as conscious people have to act tough to make the things happen faster. I think Covid-19 pandemic has brought some positive changes in that direction. Let's hope for a rapid change in the attitude of public to follow hygienic practices.

  3. So happy to hear from you and thank you very much for your elaborate and optimistic outlook ! Ya,you are true that things do change with greater awareness.In manycases, it is not because of adamance but because of ignorance which should be tackled by an outreach to them through various awareness programmes not only by the government but also by the public.It is unfair to shift the responsibility entirely on to the shoulders of the governments.


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