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Wonders of the sensation of ‘touch’

I gave vent to my thoughts on the role of sensation of touch.An article read recently on the void created by absence of touch (contact) due to social distancing prompted me wield my pen.

Absence  of touch is an emotional impediment to further the bond of rapport or to express affection and to impress others. Science speaks high of the importance of  ‘’kangaroo care” exhibited by mothers when the infants are hugged to them.The kind of comfort and assurance provided by this to the infants is easily seen when the crying baby stops all of a sudden by the gesture.A similar trend is observed even in the case of pet animals such as cats and dogs caressing their new borns when they start cuddling around.Similarly the way we shake hands, pat gently on the cheeks or on the back as a token of appreciation or keep a gentle kiss or brush hair etc matter much in dealing with children. 

The hugging by team mates of a pace bowler whose yorker uprooted the middle stump and hurled it meters away after multiple somersaults is a common event on the cricket field which rejuvenates the entire team ! Our social interactions, more so professional ones may not fructify many a time with out a warm greeting followed by a welcome shake hand. I remember to have read long back the result of a study stating that when a doctor shakes hands with a patient, the therapeutic effect is improved ! 

The sensation of touch is an indicator of the intensity of intimacy,influence, rapport,and bond between people.He /she maintains a “touch- me- not “attitude is the most often heard expression used to convey that one is reclusive and words like “ touch stone”, “ healing touch”, “ a touching narration” are all part and parcel of our terminolgy occupying peerless prominence.

Probably the art of touching,cuddling,caressing,shaking hands, hugging all of which have their  psychosomatic implications needs a more detailed scientific study to harness the potential utility.

You can see my next post on Wednesday the 12 th at 8 am !

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  1. You are absolutely right Ramana garu

  2. To speak in a lighter vein touch is infectious though not viral.
    Prabhakar Govindaraju


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