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Pandemic & Presidential Election-Twin Challenges For Trump

The COVID-19 pandemic has unleashed the worst of its fury in the US, both in terms of the number of people tested positive and in the number succumbing to the deadly virus.With a peerless position of prominence in the world, in virtually every vital walk of life, the nation is shaken to its roots, leaving the rulers and the ruled with sleepless nights.With pandemic on one hand and with presidential elections hardly four months away,it is indeed a tough time for Trump to navigate through troubled waters,with no silver bullet in sight.The massive rise in unemployment,shutdown of  enterprises,men and machines forced to take rest,naturally would create a deep dent on the economy of the nation. The fiscal stimulus announced may tone down the intensity of the commotion but how long it takes for retracing the normal trajectory, depends on the waning down of aggression of the pandemic, all of which in turn,decide the extent of gain or drain of confidence in the voter or the consumer, with two thirds of US economy being consumer dependent.This sequence of cause-effect links applies to any nation at this juncture, the major difference being that elections are just four months away for Trump leaving shorter time for exhibiting resilience in the outlook by the voter.

His unilateral with drawwal from 2015 nuclear deal with Iran, backtracking on the commitment made at ‘Paris Agreement ’ to combat climate change, trade war with China, threatening  India with sanctions if it purchases S-400 missiles from Russia (of course India did not yield) ,withdrawal of aid to WHO on the assumption that it is backing China which he holds responsible for the pandemic etc are some of the international issues which have invited criticism from several corners of the globe.
Much remains to be seen how the events unfold !

See you at 9 pm tomorrow



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