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Ready for Unlock- A Perspective

Thermal screening everyday both at the entry and exit points, allowing limited work force in duty in the beginning, maintaining distance, arranging hand sanitisers,frequent sanitisation of premises, not to permit entry without masks are the most important if business is to continue ! Also arranging commuting facility for staff is preferable.People close to the working spot be allowed to report in the early days so that lesser time in commuting minimises the chance of infection. At least on day one, it is better to assemble all the staff and to address and appraise them once again, the possible symptoms to be aware of, precautions to be taken,importance of boosting one’s own immunity,necessity of proper food and rest.At the same time, it is better to instil confidence by citing that Covid -19 can be better managed if instructions by the authorities are properly followed

The managements should not be over ambitious in compensating for the loss of production and should not insist on overtime and on the other hand, lesser time than normal on day one, with a slightly longer duration on day two and the like should be followed till the end of the first week to bring the stipulated working hours into force.As stress factor plays key role in affecting immunity which in turn, plays an important role in managing any illness in general and the pandemic in particular, this strategy is important.Let us not forget that, the virus is still virulent and every possible care and concern and monitoring of every one is to be extended to continue working without disruption.The first week would be crucial in the successful conduct of business without a need to close again.It is better a physician evaluates the staff at least twice a week .

See my next post tomorrow at 8 am

Pen down a few more you feel fit !



  1. Yes, indeed the thought process is very progressive. On the other hand we should factor two things: 1. Most of the migrant labor are yet to return, posing a challenge to the manufacturing & service sector. 2. Lockdown made everyone work from home, all 7 days, which is partially good for the new found learning. With these twin factors, we need to adjust the space in moving forward for economic progress!!

  2. Thank you ! What you said is true! The flexibility of hours suggested is for just a week so that they get adopted after a prolonged inertia of rest and that too for not disturbing the continuity which is very important !


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