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Life at Lightning & Thunder⚡⚡⚡

Hai everyone ! 

“83 killed after being hit by lightning in Bihar”- a news item that drew my attention.
I changed the decision and selected this topic in view of the need !
“When thunder roars, go indoors” -is a good dictum  !
 A person struck by lightning needs medical care immediately to save life. Cardiac arrest and irregularities, burns, and nerve damage are common in cases of attack.With immediate treatment including CPR ( if necessary ),most victims survive. 
Victims are not electrified. IT IS SAFE TO HELP THEM.
A house is the safest place during a storm.An inside room is generally safe.Be away from windows, electrical appliances, wires,TV cables, metal doors, plumbing, metal frames ,taps, showers etc.Never take shelter under a tree.
Avoid areas where you are the tallest object in the area.
Ex.An umbrella increases risk if it makes you the tallest object in the area.
Avoid water bodies such as lakes, beaches, swimming pools etc.Not to ride, motor cycles, bicycles etc during a thunder storm.
Taking shelter inside a car with metal body is safe but you should not be in contact with the body of car inside.(cars with plastic or fiber glass shells offer no lightning protection at all).
If one is outside in a thunderstorm, one can take shelter in a hard topped vehicle or a low area such as a tunnel or a cave.But be away from  fences and other conducting objects such as telephone poles, power lines and pipelines.
When in an open field with no nearby shelter, if the the hair begins to stand on end, it is an indication that lightning is about to strike. Then drop down into a crouch with hands on knees and balance on the balls of feet.The idea is to make minimum contact with the ground.Never lie down flat or place the hands on the ground.

Stay inside for 30 minutes after you last see lightning or hear thunder. 

You can see my next post at 10 pm tomorrow !

Over to you now !


My intention is to confine the length of the blogs to 250- 300 words so that even a slow reader does not take more than 5 minutes.So I got to do lot of editing to delete so many points in a scientific topic like this without disturbing the essentials for even a general reader.Since many among the reader fraternity have an appetite for interesting details/explanation,I am covering some thing more under the heading ‘Annexure’.Here after I would like to follow this procedure whenever there is such a need.


From times immemorial man has always been fascinated by the glittering stars in the sky, the reddish tinge of the fire ball ( Sun) , the soothing sensation by the light from the silvery moon.Perhaps fewer forces of nature have created as much of fear, fascination and reverence as lightning and thunder! Thunder is the sound caused by lightning.

We see lightning first and hear thunder next.Because light travels (faster)in vacuum at ~3 lakh km/sec and sound travels at 0.3 km/sec.

If you can hear thunder, you are within 16 km from the storm and may be struck by lightning.Seek shelter to avoid vulnerability.

Lightning is a huge discharge of electricity.It is a result of spark generated between opposite charges in a cloud or between clouds or between a cloud and the ground.It is followed by a stunning flash of light and a loud thunder.The spark can reach 8 km in length.Temperature of air is raised by about 28,000 degree Celsius. This large heat sets the air around to expand and vibrate producing sound of thunder. In other words, the rapid expansion of heated air causes the thunder.Lightning can contain high electrical voltages of about 100 million volts [ to impress upon you, the voltage we are supplied for use in houses is 220V and that in industries is 440V.].
Since water is a good conductor of electricity, avoid water bodies such as lakes, beaches, swimming pools etc.
Not to lie down on the ground -Lightning generates potentially deadly electrical currents along the ground in all directions. So, by lying down, you are providing more potential points on your body to hit.
Avoid contact with electrical equipment or cords. If you plan to unplug any electronic equipment ( this is preferable because the surge protectors  may not ensure protection ), do so, well before the storm arrives.
Thunderstorms are created by intense heating of the Earth's surface. So they are most common in areas of the globe where the weather is hot and humid. Landmasses, therefore, experience more storms than the oceans and thunderstorms are also more frequent in tropical areas than the higher altitudes.

Some interesting records :

A lightning flash that developed continuously over northern Argentina on March 4, 2019 lasted for as long as 16.73 seconds. ( record in duration of time )

A flash stretched for more than 700 kilometres was seen across southern Brazil on October 31 last year. (record in length of the stroke )

International Lightning Safety Day is on June 28.
