Perhaps there has never been such a race to find an iota of clue that helps fighting the pandemic successfully.A study found that in England, one in four who die in hospital with Covid-19 has diabetes.Studies on type 1 and type 2 diabetes related to the prognosis in Covid-19 suggested that type 1 has a slightly higher risk relative to type 2.However it was perceived that even the so called differences observed are lesser in degree when age of the infected is taken into account.Yet another study on 120 patients says that blood group O is associated with lower risk compared with non-O blood groups whereas blood group A is associated with higher risk in Covid-19 compared with non-A blood group.Another study felt that diabetes may alter the prognosis of Covid-19 and that Covid-19 can lead to diabetes of either of the two types or even of a novel type.Another report revealed that when men and women are being infected with Covid-19 at similar rates, a significantly higher proportion of men succumb to the disease than women, across groups of similar age.Similarly there have been reports from several corners on the lethal effect of UV radiation from sunlight and humidity on corona virus,mentioning however that there is no evidence to support that virus would not survive in sunlight and humidity.All of these are trial studies and are on limited data and need an active and intense work for a valid outcome.
Despite access to computing speeds of tera bytes/s and the best data analytics,and even a vast data of more than 80 lakhs affected, spread across continents with umpteen variable parameters such as age,geography, sex, complexion, food habits,climatic conditions, blood groups,pre morbidity or co morbidity factors etc, nothing concrete has yet emerged to establish a strong and substantial correlation that should help resolving the crisis ! The tiny parasite is indeed a challenge to science !
My next post would be at 9 pm tomorrow
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