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Trajectory of Covid-19 (Part II )

Continuous research is going on, on corona virus.In a new development, about 300 scientists from 32 countries outlined the evidence to show that smaller particles can infect people.The team is reported to have written to the WHO to revise guidelines on airborne transmission. Now experts feel that the virus can also spread by aerosols (small droplets ) when one breathes or talks or sings especially with exertion.This perhaps explains the reason why asymptomatic carriers too can be contagious!

Now that the air borne transmission too is thought of, there is a greater need for the people to follow the instructions issued by the government, which is the greatest service to nation at this juncture !

The ruled:Responsibility of management of the pandemic rests equally with the people ! It is shocking to find people on streets without maintaining minimum precautions such as social distancing ( minimum 6 ft ),wearing mask and frequent hand sanitisation.Avoiding spitting or sneezing or coughing in public places is equally important.Attending gatherings-social or political etc, is to be avoided voluntarily.Avoiding crowded indoor spaces with poor ventilation is preferable.It is better to realise that the best service one can render to the nation at this juncture is not to mingle but to isolate & not to move out but to stay in except for essentials such as attending duty or other inevitable tasks.Not to let people above 70 move out is another important measure.All immunity boosting measures ( such as proper food, rest, de-stressing,exercise etc) are also important.Reports of heaps of dead bodies being pushed and buried with proclaimers at some places and even in advanced countries should be enough to alert us what to do and what not to! There is no need to get panicky but a need to be cautious!

My next post on tomorrow at 8 am !

Over to you now !


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