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Better to be Cautious than to be Careless

CDC-the top US health body has added three new symptoms to Covid -19, taking the total number of symptoms to about 12. The new symptoms are congestion or runny nose, nausea or vomiting, and diarrhoea. The development would keep  the government  and the people too to be more vigilant.This in turn increases the probability of increasing the number of tests. The chance for people to be more vigilant in following the instructions laid down because of a higher threat perception, also increases.

Some people are under the impression that asymptomatic patients( patients without symptoms ) do not spread virus but the fact is,even though asymptomatic ,they too can spread the virus but because they do not cough or sneeze ( since asymptomatic ) they are not releasing as many droplets  and not spreading as much of the virus as are released by symptomatically affected. As per the findings of the reasearch conducted in Wuhan, China, it is observed that asymptomatic carriers were contagious for 3-12 days at maximum, while those who have the typical symptoms could possibly spread the virus for 16-24 days , meaning that those with symptoms can spread the virus for three times longer than those without.

The centre has authorised some labs in the private sector, and the states need to take advantage of this.Larger number of tests help assessing herd immunity too. Besides, testing helps understanding the profile of the spread of the pandemic in different populations, regions, age groups etc and this in turn paves way for identifying hot spots and labelling  divisions, which in turn, helps an early  opening up our economy.Thus the need of the hour is to test, test and test !
The success of all such mass missions is possible only with the active cooperation of people.

You can view my next post on tormorrow at 8 am.

Over to you

