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Fear is the root cause of all Evils

Fear is an unpleasant emotional response to a perception of harm or danger either real or imaginary! The perception of threat may be physical or mental or both ! If we dive deep into the past and introspect, we find most of the fears we had were often not real and or even baseless.Fear prevents the individual from his or her abilities being put to optimum use.Also there will be a lot of difference in the quality of outcome from a task performed with and without fear.It is not an exaggeration to say that many students do not score well in the written exams and  interviews  just because of fear but not not because of the needed talent or potential. There are some strategies which are of help at least in select situations.One important strategy is to focus less on the result and more on the effort.Another one is to assert yourself that you are unique, in the world in the  sense that, there is no one else like you.You may be shocked to know that the probability of two humans exactly alike is said to be one in 14 billion ( based on the theory of probability and number of genes in human beings).

Fears of various kinds; fear of being humiliated, fear of rejection,fear of defeat, fear of public speaking, fear of losing money, fear of mingling with others,fear of losing power or position, fear of losing life, are a few examples which offer serious constraints  and deprive the society, the nature  and type  of personalities that it needs and deserves indeed ! Is it not a fact that the world would have had more number of talented singers, orators, entrepreneurs, leaders, writers,, statesmen, scientists etc, had the fear been overcome? The world needs lesser fear now more than ever !

“We can easily forgive a child who is afraid of the dark; the real tragedy of life is when men are afraid of the light” —Plato

You can see my next post only on Wednesday the 15 th !

Why not I hear from you !

