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Bain Drain to Brain Gain ?

The recent decision by the Trump administration on immigration visas is like a bolt from the blue for many.People fly to US for better learning and earning chances despite several hardships faced by the parents,their near and dear.For many it is a long long struggle to get the position they dreamt of before.However with grit, gusto and guts,they slog on to realise their dreams.For the last one year there has been a radical change in the immigration policies for foreign students.

The ‘Buy American,Hire American’ policy seems to be gaining momentum, more so with elections hardly a few months away and the unemployment numbers in the US reaching alarming levels.

Undoubtedly, there will be many new geo political equations on the global front in the  current scenario, with lives and livelihoods shattered,economies battered and beaten, China in border disputes with neighbour nations,trade tussles, re-alignment of nations, near no where cure for corona,and the like.Many nations like India are contemplating to do away with dependence on China for imports of expertise and experience, materials and machines too.Now India needs talent and technology more than ever !

As many negative facets of life have their positive shades too, sooner a day may come when brain drain gets reversed to brain gain in the sense that more and more people may prefer to come back home in view of ever increasing procedural hurdles and an ever diminishing chances of securing a H1B and a green card later on.India must look forward to receiving a rich talent pool and so, the economy and employment, planning and preparation must be so energised and engineered to be able to absorb and tap the optimum utility of the existing and additional Human Resources ! ! !

You can view my next post at 8 am tomorrow !

 Over to you now !
