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Longer life with a happy spouse

Hi Everyone !

It is learnt that as per a team of researchers from the Netherlands, people with content spouse live longer ! In my opinion, the probable cause could be the sequence of events like : an unhappy relation with life partner⇒lack of concentration on family & work ⇒emotional imbalance ⇒stress⇒worry and depression⇒affecting food intake ⇒psycho somatic implications ⇒lessened immunity⇒early onset of disease⇒early death.This chain, I felt, is a probable explanation in my opinion, may be with some changes in positions of sequence.Modern science links worry and stress with so many disorders. There is a famous Sanskrit quote by Bhartrihari which says ‘Chintaa Samam Naasti Sareera Soshanam’ which means nothing weakens body as much as worry. 

All in all, a happy life partner is indeed an impetus to the overall success and longevity !
