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Showing posts from May, 2020

Save Water & Serve Nation

There are forecasts by scientists that future wars may be for water. This is enough to understand the importance of conserving one of the most precious natural resources -WATER ! If we take a serious relook into the way we use water, there are several ways in which wastage can be minimised and conservation can be optimum. Today I want to share with you one important area of daily use, where a lot of saving of water is possible ! 💦💦💦 ***Not to allow the flush out tank to drain out completely when urinated The normal urine output is said to be about 1 to 2 litres/day in about 5 to 6 spells of 300 to 400ml each, depending upon several factors, while the flush out tank contains about 4 to 5 litres. So one can understand that, letting the water from flush tank for a brief while may be enough to flush it and if the lever is closed after a brief while, a lot of saving of water indeed ! You would be saving your power bill too as you may need to pump water less frequently ! You can...

Can nations claim monopoly on assets on moon ?

A simple understanding should enlighten us that space is a global common asset as there are no boundaries or borders fixed.The way nations are using space and atmosphere for telecommunication is a good example to substantiate this view.So is the case with the oxygen we breath in, which is not a monopoly of any one nation and is charged.Just as nations are able to park satellites in the respective slots to carry on specific tasks, so should the case be with exploration of resources be it on moon or any other celestial bodies.The most important resource such as water, let alone Helium3 and rare earths, assumed abundant on moon, is becoming scarce on earth and if the prediction of scientists is to go by, future wars may be for this natural resource. Take for instance, the ever increasing scarcity of water ! Imagine the huge ice clusters on moon being in the clutches of a few greedy and trying to exploit the needy.People compelled to die out of even dehydration may not be ruled out.Tho...

Longer life with a happy spouse

Hi Everyone ! It is learnt that as per a team of researchers from the Netherlands, people with content spouse live longer ! In my opinion, the probable cause could be the sequence of events like : an unhappy relation with life partner⇒lack of concentration on family & work ⇒emotional imbalance ⇒stress⇒worry and depression⇒affecting food intake ⇒psycho somatic implications ⇒lessened immunity⇒early onset of disease⇒early death.This chain, I felt, is a probable explanation in my opinion, may be with some changes in positions of sequence.Modern science links worry and stress with so many disorders. There is a famous Sanskrit quote by Bhartrihari which says ‘Chintaa Samam Naasti Sareera Soshanam’ which means nothing weakens body as much as worry.  All in all, a happy life partner is indeed an impetus to the overall success and longevity !

We Work Together

Hai, everyone ! It is indeed a great pleasure to interact with you all. I for one believe that everyone has a great role to play in building a great nation.Our thoughts, deeds and actions need synchrony that would help taking the nation forward ! At times, we differ but to agree again and to commit for a common cause.It is the awareness and participation of people that goes a long way in shaping the future of the nation. Good Day !

Research on Corona Virus Vaccine

It is known that active research has been going on ! Why not a detailed double-blind study be carried out with claims from other systems of medicine such as Homeopathy and Ayurveda too !At least, one positive feature with these systems is that they are claimed to be safer alternatives with no side effects.It is understood that one or two particular homeopathic medicines have a great role for this virus ! Anyhow, we have the ‘AYUSH’ wing and an early random trial can be carried out to test its efficacy both in prophylactic and curative roles. This indeed is worth attempting especially in those cases, where the fatality is almost decided, so that benefit of chance can be given.If the efficacy is established, it is going to be a boon for the mankind.Since so many aspects of the virus; its source, its mutation patterns, virulence, exact incubation period, effect of temperature, humidity, etc are still not certain to the satisfactory standards, search should be on with optimism by explori...

Energy efficient measures - whopping savings

Glad to understand that the nation could save about Rs 89,000 crore in 2018- 19 through energy efficient measures. The initiatives by BEE (Bureau of Energy Efficiency ) need appreciation.This is how nations like us must concentrate and adopt scientific ways to improve energy efficiency which would result in whopping savings, besides contributing to a reduced carbon foot print. Similarly our needs to have PV cells of higher efficiency and to reduce the land requirement /MW of power in the solar segment calls for an active research.We can not rely on fossil fuels for long for several reasons and sooner we push for a greater share towards the renewable energy basket, the better for us, the nation being sunshine rich ! !