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Showing posts from January, 2021

When is life back to normal ?

It is true that life may not be same as it was before for quite a good length of time. Even the so called vaccines rolled out need time to do the job. It is usually a few weeks for the body to build immunity after vaccination.Thus to have an established efficacy among demographies, it takes a considerable time.Needless to say that the timeline for all the people to have the shots or even to attain herd immunity depends upon a number factors such as availability, accessibility, and affordability of the vaccines.Also the travel restrictions and social distancing are likely to gain momentum despite the vaccines being popular for the simple fact that people in different countries are not equally sensitive to the demands of precautionary measures and as such, nations like India where relatively greater care is evinced by the people compared to even many advanced countries,got to keep themselves in isolation to reap the maximum benefit from their practices.The intensity of new strain in Brit